New Kingdom Egypt Society to the Death of Amenhotep III

Historical and Geographical Context

Geographical setting, natural features, and resources of New Kingdom Egypt and its neighbours.

Map of Ancient Egypt

Social Structure and Political Organisation

Roles and images of the pharaoh, the concept of maat.

Statue of Amenhotep III

Roles of the vizier and members of the religious, administrative, and military elites.

Relief of Vizier

Nature and role of the army.

Ancient Egyptian Soldiers

Roles and status of women: royal and non-royal.

Queen Tiye

Scribes, artisans, and agricultural workers.

Egyptian Scribe

The Economy

Importance of the Nile: agriculture, animal husbandry, transport.

Agriculture on the Nile

Economic exchange: barter and taxation.

Ancient Egyptian Market

Impact of empire: booty, tribute, and trade.

Tribute Scene

Occupations, crafts, and industry.

Ancient Egyptian Craft

Technology: tools, building materials, techniques and construction.

Construction of Egyptian Temple

Religion, Death, and Burial

Gods, goddesses, cults, and priesthoods including Amun-Re, Osiris.


Festivals: Opet, Beautiful Feast of the Valley, Heb-Sed Festival.

Opet Festival

Myths and legends: Creation myth, Osiris myth.

Osiris Myth

Funerary customs, rituals, and texts: afterlife concepts, mummification.


Temples - architecture and function: Karnak, Luxor, Deir el-Bahri.

Karnak Temple

Tombs - architecture and decoration: Thebes.

Theban Tombs

Cultural and Everyday Life

Art: sculpture, jewellery, and wall paintings.

Egyptian Art

Writing and literature: love poetry, Papyrus Lansing, wisdom literature.

Ancient Egyptian Papyrus

Leisure activities.

Egyptian Leisure

Health of New Kingdom Egyptians as revealed by human remains.

Egyptian Mummy


This section includes all the sources used throughout the site.